This is good:

The Disputed Question

Harry Jaffa and Michael Uhlmann on the Supreme Court and the Declaration of Independence.

by Harry V. Jaffa


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Wow, this is all great. I will be going back to read Our Story Thus Far, the previous nine posts in this series

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Thanks, Steve. I needed a good laugh today. I wish I had taken classes with Levy. I have a similar, but much more polite, letter from my dissertation advisor responding to my letter outlining a proposed submission and turnaround schedule for my dissertation drafts. He accused me of falling back on my army officer mentality. Michael Sanera

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"One does not have to look outside the Constitution for what is inside the Constitution." That statement explains about 90% of the difference between John's position and yours. He seems to think that applying natural law means tossing out the Constitution, rather than enriching or informing it.

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Nothing more entertaining than two intellectuals fighting it out in the gutter. Putz, you say. Prima donna, you say. Well I never. (Could we call this 'natural inclination?') Just too good.

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A public flaying we all could enjoy.

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Too bad we all couldn't have been schooled by a teacher like Prof Levy--RIP!

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