Sep 24·edited Sep 30

Another outstanding piece. Having been alive during the 50s and on, it would have never occurred to me that we would be on the brink of losing everything we fought and died for since the founding. The communists made the overthrow of the US their ultimate goal from about 1920 or so on. That they succeeded in taking control of the democrat party has been revealed in all its treasonous detail. May God Almighty forbid that Harris and her fellow travelers succeed in November.

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Remember when The Wall Fell, the USSR was on its way out, Communism was on the Ash Heap Of History?

"Those were the days, my friend

We thought they'd never end

We'd sing and dance forever and a day

We'd live the life we choose

We'd fight and never lose

For we were young and sure to have our way"

"Lord What Fools These Mortals Be!"

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Socialism is a form of religion based primarily on envy. It leads to resentment. Which often leads to violence. The Nazi’s exploited all of this obviously. And Hence TDS and the lefts desire to kill Trump. They seem deluded enough to believe that killing him will solve their perceived problems. Madness.

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Prescience personified. Except for the last paragraph about Orwell’s nightmare vision having been eradicated; but then how were you to have known years ago that it would rise once more.

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Apologies. You wrote ‘prevented’ not ‘eradicated’. Prevented then, looming again.

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