This paragraph, toward the end of the article, is a good summary:
"But the heckler's veto succeeded again. And despite the boast that such things cannot be allowed to happen again, they will until Berkeley and other universities get serious about arresting and prosecuting disruptors, as well as expelling students who participate. I'm not holding my breath."
The situation at Berkeley is tragic, yet points to a larger problem. The anti-zionism simply cannot be separated from antisemitism and it appears, some Leftwing Jews are just as prone to this form of antisemitism as members of other groups. It is certainly troubling that the heckler's veto was sustained by the refusal of the administrators present from taking meaningful action to expel ALL the protesters....but can we really blame them? At risk of offending some in this audience I would ask you to consider the following. Why should we expect university administrators to do what the Jewish community itself is unwilling to do?
Like it or not, there is a significant anti-Israel, Hamas-supporting, cancel culture-promoting Leftist component of the Jewish community. What steps has the rest of the Jewish community taken to isolate, marginalize, denounce and separate themselves from this component of the community? In the Catholic community, priests have the duty to withhold participation in the sacraments from those who violate the church's core tenants such as supporting elective abortion. Such actions do NOT stifle anyone's speech, but they do exact a social price by demonstrating that the individual's actions are NOT consistent with the values of the Catholic community. Does the Jewish community not have a similar mechanism to denounce members who engage in antisemitic conduct regardless of the excuse given to cover their actions?
When opponents of the effort to remove confederate statues marched in Charlottesville shouting antisemitic statements about not having their history erased, there was a general expectation that these people would be denounced and members of the wider community who did not do so with sufficient vigor were vilified despite there actually being truth to the claim that history was indeed being erased by removing the statues in question. Those making that argument were not welcome in general society. Has the Jewish community done the same with the Leftist anti-zionist Jews? Why not?
Keep in mind that I live in a rural area that has few Jewish or Arab residents. The people here have little direct contact with those involved in the territorial dispute in the Middle East and don't really see it as their problem or responsibility. With a huge percentage, perhaps 50% of the young people, being involved in the military via the national guard or direct enlistment, they are the people who will have to risk disruption of their families, studies and loss of life and limb at worst if the crisis in the Middle East escalates sufficiently. The same cannot be said of the students, faculty and staff of the campuses where these protests are occurring. Our young people are NOT excited to be drawn into yet another foreign war because demographic groups in the United States that collectively account for perhaps 5% of the population can't get along with each other. What happens if our students decide this is NOT their war and refuse to participate?
I am a staunch supporter of Israel despite its imperfections. At the same time, I have an obligation to the young people of this community and what is in their best interests. If they are going to be asked to fight, they should see the Jewish community is doing its part as well, even if that creates discomfort and schisms in that community. Israel itself could take action in its own interest in this regard by modifying the Law of Return to exclude Jews who act against Israel's existence by aiding and abetting groups like JVP, If Not Now When, and UnXeptable. These individuals reject the existence of Israel, so they should NOT be eligible to travel to or seek refuge in Israel should their comfortable existence in the US become less so due to the actions of their fellow Leftists. A friend tells you want you need to hear even when it is hard to say and hear. I hope there are some useful thoughts in this comment.
This paragraph, toward the end of the article, is a good summary:
"But the heckler's veto succeeded again. And despite the boast that such things cannot be allowed to happen again, they will until Berkeley and other universities get serious about arresting and prosecuting disruptors, as well as expelling students who participate. I'm not holding my breath."
Students protest Zionist speaker at UC Berkeley
Free People's Park!
They should have been wearing Brown Shirts and Jodhpurs
The situation at Berkeley is tragic, yet points to a larger problem. The anti-zionism simply cannot be separated from antisemitism and it appears, some Leftwing Jews are just as prone to this form of antisemitism as members of other groups. It is certainly troubling that the heckler's veto was sustained by the refusal of the administrators present from taking meaningful action to expel ALL the protesters....but can we really blame them? At risk of offending some in this audience I would ask you to consider the following. Why should we expect university administrators to do what the Jewish community itself is unwilling to do?
Like it or not, there is a significant anti-Israel, Hamas-supporting, cancel culture-promoting Leftist component of the Jewish community. What steps has the rest of the Jewish community taken to isolate, marginalize, denounce and separate themselves from this component of the community? In the Catholic community, priests have the duty to withhold participation in the sacraments from those who violate the church's core tenants such as supporting elective abortion. Such actions do NOT stifle anyone's speech, but they do exact a social price by demonstrating that the individual's actions are NOT consistent with the values of the Catholic community. Does the Jewish community not have a similar mechanism to denounce members who engage in antisemitic conduct regardless of the excuse given to cover their actions?
When opponents of the effort to remove confederate statues marched in Charlottesville shouting antisemitic statements about not having their history erased, there was a general expectation that these people would be denounced and members of the wider community who did not do so with sufficient vigor were vilified despite there actually being truth to the claim that history was indeed being erased by removing the statues in question. Those making that argument were not welcome in general society. Has the Jewish community done the same with the Leftist anti-zionist Jews? Why not?
Keep in mind that I live in a rural area that has few Jewish or Arab residents. The people here have little direct contact with those involved in the territorial dispute in the Middle East and don't really see it as their problem or responsibility. With a huge percentage, perhaps 50% of the young people, being involved in the military via the national guard or direct enlistment, they are the people who will have to risk disruption of their families, studies and loss of life and limb at worst if the crisis in the Middle East escalates sufficiently. The same cannot be said of the students, faculty and staff of the campuses where these protests are occurring. Our young people are NOT excited to be drawn into yet another foreign war because demographic groups in the United States that collectively account for perhaps 5% of the population can't get along with each other. What happens if our students decide this is NOT their war and refuse to participate?
I am a staunch supporter of Israel despite its imperfections. At the same time, I have an obligation to the young people of this community and what is in their best interests. If they are going to be asked to fight, they should see the Jewish community is doing its part as well, even if that creates discomfort and schisms in that community. Israel itself could take action in its own interest in this regard by modifying the Law of Return to exclude Jews who act against Israel's existence by aiding and abetting groups like JVP, If Not Now When, and UnXeptable. These individuals reject the existence of Israel, so they should NOT be eligible to travel to or seek refuge in Israel should their comfortable existence in the US become less so due to the actions of their fellow Leftists. A friend tells you want you need to hear even when it is hard to say and hear. I hope there are some useful thoughts in this comment.