Well stated, Ms Denno! If I hear "Our Democracy", one more time, it will be one time too many.

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I concur that Trump, if he can assemble a capable enough team, is a significant threat to the existing power structure that is official Washington. An additional precedent Ms Denno could cite is the very public opposition to Trump from former defense and intelligence officials. If Shakespeare was alive today, he might comment: "The generals doth protest too much."

However, beyond Trump's potential threat of replicating Jesus' moment where he overturned the money changers tables in the Temple, there is something else at play that is creating this extreme reaction to Trump and all things MAGA.

I hope (and urge) Linda and Steve will delve deeper. Is it just a cultural and class issue? Are our "betters" who compose the vast majority of established Washington and the financial and defense oligarchy, supported by their minions in academia and legacy media, simply offended by the smell of Trump supporters? Is it the audacity that those left behind by globalization, the bitter clingers as defined by candidate Obama, to think they have a say in our country's future that truly irks the ruling class?

Before we can move beyond this horrible moment in our nation's history, we need to identify a comprehensive explanation of why an entire ruling class is playing the role of Henry II, to Trump's Beckett.

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Someone reminded me the other day of the old comic line lampooning The Lone Ranger. The punchline is the Tonto character saying "who do you mean by 'we', Kemosabe?"

When I hear the "our democracy," phrase (alongside sending sometimes silent curses to W., for using it in a war speech) it is usually obvious from context the the speaker doesn't include me in their "our" group. The afore mentioned Bushchild is still using it today to endorse Kablahblah. I can't think of a more discrediting endorsement.

Much thanks for putting it into words.

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"Our Democracy" is just like the rest of Kamalamadingdong's word salad offerings. Meaningless, but better because it is shorter.

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